How To Keep Toddler Warm At Night (No More Cold Night Wake-Ups!)

Article by Jessica Pierce – Registered Nurse & Nationally Registered Paramedic As the temperature drops and the nights get cooler, it’s important to prepare your whole family for the chilly weather. We know that it’s more difficult for children to regulate their body temperature than it is for adults. So, what should you be doing […]

Is Organic Cotton Better For Babies? [Truth & Myths]

Did you know that more than 15% of all the world’s pesticides are used on conventional cotton crops? Even more disturbing, is that seven of the regularly-applied chemical pesticides used on cotton are linked to cancer. This is some pretty scary stuff, especially when you think of the cotton material that is used in your […]

How To Keep Pacifier In Baby’s Mouth – Tips For Tired Parents

Did you know that the American Academy of Pediatrics has found an interesting link between pacifier use and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome? Research shows that using a pacifier for your baby may actually reduce their risk of SIDS. Baby pacifiers can also help babies increase their sucking strength and be a tool for learning to […]

How To Use Nursing Pad (And Do You Really Need Breast Pads?)

The start of motherhood is nothing less than a crazy roller coaster ride. As you heal, you care for the little miracle you grew inside your belly for 9 months. Now as you juggle through this routine, one of the things that might be irksome is leaking breasts. Near the end of pregnancy, our bodies […]

Baby’s Teeth Coming In Wrong Order – Should You Be Worried?

As parents, we just cannot wait for our babies to achieve their firsts; the first smile, the first grasp, the first tooth, the first word, the first step… However, sometimes things might not go as planned (or described in books for parents). Teething is one of those things. For instance, you might be worried when […]